City: Umeå
Location: Zoom
Organiser: BECFOR
Last signup date: 24 February 2021
Additional info:
Elias Andersson
Department of Forest resource management
Landscape studies
Phone: +46 90 786 83 58
Zoom, Umeå
This PhD course will provide the students with an improved understanding of gendered and power processes of and in relation to forests, primary in a northern context. The course is either 3.0 credit or 7.5 credit format. The course is part of the BECFOR research school. The 7.5 credit format of the course is also open for masterstudents (see seperate registration details below).
This course will provide the students with an improved understanding of gendered and power processes of and in relation to forests, primary in a northern context.
After passed course the student should be able to:
Elias Andersson
Department of Forest resource management
Landscape studies
Phone: +46 90 786 83 58