City: Uppsala, Alnarp, Umeå and Skara
Uppsala, Alnarp, Umeå and Skara
Have you been in contact with corruption without noticing? Who payed for that dinner for you and your colleagues? You yourself are only doing research so corruption is probably nothing you need to think about... Or...? It may be trickier than you think! Welcome to the next meeting within SLU's global network, theme anti-corruption.
When: 6 February 2020. Meet and greet with coffee from 08:30. Meeting time 09:00-10:30.
Where: Uppsala: Sal L (Undervisningshuset), Alnarp: Crafoordsalen, Umeå: Holly-Wood and Skara: Forssellrummet. Coffee will be served 8:30 at all locations.
What is corruption? Common forms and effects of corruption. How to identify corrupt practices? What to look out for? How to prevent corruption and how to deal with it once it has been detected? Representative from Sida
How corruption deters economic growth and increases deforestation”. Adan Martinez Cruz, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forest Economics, SLU Umeå.
NB. Sida yearly arranges courses about anti-corruption. The next course is 23-25 March in Härnösand. You can find more information about the course here. You can also learn more about anti-corruption at the www.u4.no website. There you can find an online course free of charge.
To register for the meeting
If you are registered to SLU's global network you should get an invitation in Outlook. Accept the invitation, at the latest 3 February. Please, decline if you are not coming.
If you have not registered to the network, please register here.
SLU Global supports SLU's work for global development to contribute to Agenda 2030.
SLU Global
Vice-Chancellor's Office
Agricultural Sciences for Global Development
PO Box 7005, SE-750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Almas Allé 7
global@slu.se www.slu.se/slu-global
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