Pre-evaluation and thesis

Last changed: 19 May 2016

Theses for PhD students admitted prior to 1 Jan, 2013, are pre-evaluated by the examination committee
(see below in italics).

  • 10 weeks prior to a PhD thesis defense and 8 weeks before a Licentiate thesis defense, the draft thesis should be made available to the examination committee.
  • 7 weeks prior to the PhD thesis defense and 6 weeks prior to the Licentiate thesis defense the pre-evaluation should be communicated to the respondent (student) by the supervisor.

At the latest 3 weeks before the defense (applies to all):

  1. The thesis (summary and manuscripts) should be printed template (make sure to contact the publisher in good time) and made public (the thesis must be registered before being made public).
  2. Two (2) copies of the thesis (one hole punched) must be sent to the Forest Faculty (SLU, 901 83 Umeå).
  3. ISBN- and ISSN-codes are accrued from the library.
  4. Opponent and evaluation committee should receive a complete, printed copy of the thesis. 
  • The defense will be advertised by the faculty.
  • Help with press and other communication is provided by our Communications office.
  • 4 copies of the thesis should be sent to the library at the campus of the defense. All theses must be published in Epsilon by the respondent.
  • After the defense: Send the original protocol from the examination committee meeting to Eva Andersson, Fakulteten för skogsvetenskap, SLU, 901 83 Umeå. A copy is retained by the department. Passed theses (RS95) are registered in Ladok by the department.
