Heads of subjects
Last changed: 27 June 2024
Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua)
- Quantitative fish and fishery ecology
- Fish biology with a focus on population structure and genetics
Contact: Noél Holmgren
Department of Ecology
- Ecosystem ecology, especially terrestrial systems
- Agricultural entomology
- Insect ecology
- Ecology
- Landscape ecology
- Wildlife ecology with a focus on wildlife and impacts from wildlife in the agricultural landscape
Contact: Astrid Taylor and Sönke Eggers
Department of Economics
- Economics with a focus on applied business management
- Business economics with a focus on entrepreneurship
- National economics, focus on the economics of the agricultural sector
- Environmental and natural resource economics
Contact: Richard Ferguson
Department of Energy and Technology
- Bioenergy
- Biometrics
- Agricultural engineering
- Digitalization with a focus on agricultural technology
Contact: Björn Vinnerås
Department of Soil and Environment
- Soil and environmental physics
- Soil mechanics and soil management
- Agricultural water management
- Soil biology
- Soil chemistry
- Soil nutrient cycling
Contact: Johan Stendahl
Department of Molecular Sciences
- Inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry
- Organic chemistry with a focus on the structure and characteristics of biomolecules
- Structural molecular biology
- Biochemistry
- Food science, especially methods for studying the structures and properties of food
- Food science with a focus on meat
- Food science with a focus on vegetable foods
- Food biotechnology
- Microbial biotechnology
Contact: Vadim Kessler
Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
- Plant pathology with a focus on agricultural crops
- Plant pathology with a focus on epidemiology
- Soil microbiology
- Microbial Metabolism
Contact: Nils Högberg
Department of Urban and Rural Development
- Rural development - global and south
- Rural development - Sweden and Europe
- Environmental communication
- Agrarian history
- Political sciences
Contact: Stina Powell
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
- Environmental assessment
- Environmental assessment - aquatic biodiversity
- Organic environmental chemistry with a focus on pollutants in water
- Functional ecology in limnic systems
Contact: Lars Sonesten
Department of Plant Biology
- Plant Genomics and Plant Breeding
- Plant Virology
- Molecular Cell Biology with a Focus on Plants
- Plant Physiology
- Genetics
- Molecular Plant/Pest Interactions
Contact: Pär Ingvarsson
Department of Crop Production Ecology
- Weed Ecology
- Plant Ecology
- Crop Systems
- Short Rotation Forestry, particularly for energy purposes
- Crop Science, with a focus on pasture and forage
Contact: Carolyn Glynn