Letter from the Dean

Last changed: 27 June 2024
Dean Torleif Härd, photo.

We wish the best of colleagues a wonderful summer.

Dear colleagues,

After a slightly delayed and rather chilly spring, summer is finally here! It's warm, sunny, and beautiful, and we're truly enjoying it. At the same time, we are (at the time of writing) concerned about the lack of rain – we really don't want a repeat of the drought in 2018.

As usual, it has been an interesting spring in faculty management. We have had quality dialogues with all the department heads – a big thank you to all of you for the work you put into this. Now we have a basis for annual follow-ups. The Faculty Board is also moving forward with the review of our subject areas, which we started in the spring of 2022. For example, at the board's recent meeting, we discussed the way forward for the field of food science.

I want to thank all of you for your work during the spring term. Deputy Dean Sara Hallin and I wish you a wonderful summer with plenty of rest and time spent with loved ones.


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