Letter from the Dean

Last changed: 09 July 2024
Portrait photo of Torleif Härd

The faculty's areas are more important than ever

We are approaching Christmas and New Year. It's likely that many of you, like me, will both reflect over the year that has gone and lift your eyes and look forward to the year to come.

It has been a strange year. And then I do not primarily think of the gold medals in the Olympics or Swedish politicians' difficulties to get together to govern our country. I think of the weird indications of violent climate change and extreme weather that we have seen this year and partly experienced themselves. At the time of writing, a climate conference in Katowice is being held to agree on ways to avoid accelerating natural disasters while elsewhere there is planning for oil exploration in Alaska and exploration of the rainforests in Brazil. The future of mankind and biodiversity is determined by which of these ambitions weighs over...

The weather affects our ability to produce food, but our food production also affects the climate and our environment. And we must quickly make the transition to a circular and bio-based economy. Against this background, research, education and collaboration on agricultural sciences and management of natural resources seem to be more important than ever. And in these areas, we are leading – the autumn's golden rain in the form of research grants from Formas and other contributors is one of many signs of this. As a proud dean, I would like to congratulate you beneficiaries around the faculty. Well done!

And what are we looking forward to? I myself look forward to another exciting and rewarding three-year period as the Dean. Deputy Dean Pär Forslund and I both thank you for your confidence and support! The new faculty board recently had an inaugural meeting followed by a discussion. A large part of the board has been replaced and we were therefore pleased to note that there is not only competence and experience, but also energy and confidence in the newly appointed board.

With these words I wish all NJ employees a nice and relaxing Christmas and a really good 2019!

Torleif Här

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