News from the faculty
Docent Lectures at NJ Faculty available on SLU Play
On March 19-20, docent lectures were held at the NJ faculty. The lectures are now available at SL... - – Sweden’s new portal for research data
Today, 25 March, marks the launch of, a new national web portal designed to make ... -
New funding call from SLU Aquaculture
SLU Aquaculture has recently announced a new funding call for research to stimulate cross-faculty... -
News in brief from the Faculty Board meetin on 26-27 February
The new Faculty Board has held its first meeting. During the meeting, working methods and certain... -
Seed money for One Health research proposals
The call is closed! SLU Future One Health provides funding to stimulate and strengthen SLU's... -
Parking at Campus Ultuna
A new car park has now been opened in the northern part of Campus Ultuna. At the same time, a... -
Species Identification Apps contribute to environmental engagement
There are now over 250 apps that can help you identify the plants, birds, mushrooms, insects, and... -
News in brief from Faculty Board Meeting on 12 December
Below is a summary of the key decisions made at the Faculty Board meeting on 12 December. This wa... -
What actually is soil health?
Soil health is fundamentally about ecosystem services that enable, for example, clean water and...