Access card and lock-up times

Last changed: 10 March 2025

Access systems at SLU.

SLU premises are protected by an outer entry system that consist of both access cards, alarms, locks and keys.

Locks and keys are being phased out and replaced with a system using card readers, alarms, etc. The system is mainly being installed at our main sites, but also at other locations where we carry out activities.

To learn more, click on what you are interested in.

General information on access cards and authorisation

All employees and students have the right to a personal access card during their time at SLU. The access card should be viewed and handled as a valuable item since it largely replaces a traditional key.

Missing/lost cards must be reported immediately in order to be put out of service. The card is issued to anyone who, within their operations or studies, needs access to premises that use access systems. The card is automatically given basic authorisation for premises that require access.

Authorisation is based on where you work and which type of work or study is carried out.

We will soon be offering a joint “SLU card”, which means that only one access card will be needed within all of SLU. In addition to opening doors and controlling intrusion alarms, the card has several other functions, e.g. copying and printing.

Work with connecting further card functions is constantly evolving.

NB. Using the card to print with SLUPrint. In order to use the SLU-wide printing system SLUPrint, the card must be registered in the system and connected to the card owner/user in question.

The card owner is responsible for registration. For more help and information, contact IT support.

Your service centre can help with the most common access card issues.

Premises with alarms

Information in english will come

Borrow a card

You may only occasionally need an access card. Go to your service centre or the responsible building service to borrow one.

Lock-up procedures

Information on specific lock-up times and what applies for different premises can be found with those responsible for the operation or building.

Student access cards

All students are issued a personal access card during their time at SLU. Data on students is collected directly from Ladok. This means that only active students can have access to SLU premises. In addition to opening doors, the card can be used for printing and copying. The Security Unit is responsible for access cards and authorisation.

Most SLU premises are open during the day. However, certain premises require access cards also for daytime access. Access cards are primarily used for computer rooms, etc. during evenings and weekends. 

To receive an access card, you must be active at SLU and registered in Ladok. The card is valid one semester at a time. There is an overlap period to allow registration and administration. Students can use the same access card in Alnarp, Uppsala and Umeå.

Getting your access card

If you are a new student, you will receive an email saying that you can pick up your card at your local service centre. You will receive this email once you have been registered on a course in Ladok.

NB: Check that you have been registered before picking up your access card. Do this by logging on to Ladok student on the student web start page.

  • Alnarp: Service Centre, Alnarpsgården
  • Uppsala: Service Centre, Ulls hus, Ultuna
  • Umeå: Service Centre, “Skogis” building
  • Skinnskatteberg: SLU Library

Your service centre can help with the most common access card questions.

When you collect your access card, you must show ID, and you must read through and accept the rules for access cards before it is issued to you.

Once you have collected your access card, an email will be sent to your address with information on your four-digit pin code, card number and the rules for access cards.

The system automatically generates a pin code.

The course codes in Ladok automatically control which buildings and facilities you are authorised to enter. If students need a change in authorisation, the department secretary or equivalent must handle this. Students are not allowed to request increased authorisation.

Lost access cards

If you lose your card, you should notify service center immediately to put it out of service.

Contact your service centre or building service to receive a new card.

When collecting your new card, you must provide identification.

Found access cards

If you find a card, email the card number as soon as possible to SLU Security to put the card out of service. If you find a card on campus, submit it to the local service centre. Otherwise, give the card to the building service organisation/facilities management office or send it to the address listed on the back of the card.

The card owner is then contacted and told where the card is. When they collect it, the card is reactivated and can be used within a few minutes.

When collecting your new card, you must provide identification.

Increased or changed access card authorisation

Varying work or study conditions can involve increasing or changing access card authorisation. If/when authorisation needs to be changed, the responsible person at the department/division (building manager, staff coordinator, department secretary, etc.) or responsible manager/head of department, must approve and request new authorisation within their service organisation/service centre. In special cases, SLU Security is responsible if the authorisation needs to be very specific or last longer than 12 months.

What is required of card users?

As a regular card user, you are mostly affected by the system when scanning your card before entering certain rooms or premises.

SLU mainly uses two types of card readers – the ones with displays and keypads (see picture above) are most common.

The other type is a keycard lock (see picture below) which does not have a display or keypad.

To open a door with a card reader, hold the card against the keypad or against the black part above the door handle for keycard locks. If you are authorised to enter the premises, the door will unlock and you can enter.

Some premises and/or certain times require that you enter your pin code (provided when you collect your card).

If/when you need to enter your pin code, the display will read “Personlig kod”. Hold the card against the keypad and enter your code. The door will then open.

Access card rules

Information on access cards

We all want SLU to be an open university and at the same time a safe environment for students and staff. This is why we use access cards to ensure that those who need access to our premises can enter when they need to. For this to work, both students and staff need to be familiar with and comply with the rules that apply to access cards.


By accepting your access card, you commit to following these rules:

  • Lending your access card to other users, or letting unauthorised visitors into SLU buildings using your card, is not allowed. The access card is to be treated as a valuable, and you as the cardholder are personally responsible for it and how it is used. Misuse may lead to SLU revoking your card which means you will be denied the right to an access card.
  • You must always show your access card to security guards or other competent SLU staff (*) when requested.
  • The personal data collected as part of this agreement will be stored digitally for SLU to identify cardholders.
  • When you have completed your studies/employment, the access card must be returned to the service centre.

If your card is lost or if you find a card, you must report this immediately. Contact the closest unit that issues cards, a service centre or the Security Unit. State your name and personal identity number. By accepting your access card, you confirm that you have read and understood the rules for SLU access cards and commit to following them. You also confirm that you are aware that your personal data will be stored at SLU while you are a student here as well as for two years after you have completed your studies. The following data are stored: Name, personal identity number, card number and in some cases phone number and/or email address. SLU undertakes to treat personal data in accordance with the general data protection regulation. More information on the processing of personal data at SLU is available at

(*)This includes operations managers, university management, the Security Unit and security guards.


SLU Service Centre:, 018-67 24 00

Servicecenter Campus Alnarp
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 6
Open: Mon-Fri, 8 am-4 pm

Postal address: SLU Alnarp, P.O Box 190, SE-234 22 Lomma

SLU Servicecenter Skara
Box 234, SE-532 23 Skara, tel: +46 511-671 00 fax: +46 511-671 34
Visiting addresses:
Smedjan: Gråbrödragatan 7, SE-532 31 Skara
Research house: Gråbrödragatan 19, SE-532 31 Skara

Servicecenter Campus Ultuna:
Almas allé 8
Open: Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm

Servicecenter Campus Umeå
Skogmarksgränd 17, inside the entrance on the 3rd floor.
Open: Mon-Thurs 8-16, Fri 8-15

Security Unit: