SLU news

Wise Inputs on the Consultation for the Western Node

Published: 18 January 2024

Numerous comments have been received regarding the proposal for the development of the Western Node, which has been under consultation. All comments, ideas, and thoughts have now been taken into consideration and analysed, and the work is progressing to the next stage in the process.

The proposal, which was under consultation at the end of last year, was the result of an early-stage investigation of the Western Node project. Questions about the placement of a new building, two primary entrances, and a new courtyard were among the considerations in the proposal. All responses have now been compiled and were presented at the meeting for the heads of the departments on January 12. Theodora Mårtensson, project leader for the Western Node, is grateful for all the responses and feedback received during the consultation.

"I want to extend a big thank you for the engagement from the community and for all the wise inputs that have been received. We will now incorporate this into the next phase of the process, which is an in-depth preliminary study. This involves developing a rough placement that ensures the infrastructure of the properties. It will also illustrate how various scenarios for the connectivity requirements of the activities can be met. This work will continue throughout 2024," Theodora explains.

Summary from the consultation

Here is a brief summary of the answers to the questions that were sent out:

1. Proposal for two primary entrances:
All responses were positive, meaning we will proceed based on the suggestions.

2. Proposal for a new, large shared lunchroom:
Generally positive responses to the shared lunchroom, but with the condition of retaining the existing smaller lunchrooms as well. This issue will need to be addressed by the steering group for decision-making on the route.

3. Proposal for a new building and its placement:
There is both support and opposition. We enter the next stage with openness based on existing and newly received suggestions.

4. Proposal to open up the long corridors in Vegetum:
Mixed responses and opinions. The working group continues to explore the theme, taking into account the received feedback.

5. Proposal for the outdoor environment, for example a new courtyard for lunch, offices, and teaching:
There is both support and opposition, and the working group enters the in-depth preliminary study with openness based on existing and newly received suggestions.

Other comments on the investigation
A considerable number of other comments, suggestions, and ideas have been received in connection with the consultation, and these will be considered in the ongoing work with the preliminary study.