
Join a conversation on foreign aid, people and our ocean during the Almedal week

Published: 15 June 2023

On 30 June, during the Almedal week at Gotland, Jens Olsson from SLU will take part in a conversation on the effects of Swedish development cooperation on our oceans and people in low- and middle-income countries.

During the conversation, we will immerse into blue economy, the effects of foreign aid on people and oceans, and the knowledge we need to make wise decisions with examples from on-going collaborations and development efforts. The event is arranged by an oceans platform “Havsplattformen” with focus on reducing poverty. The platform gathers various Swedish partners working for the sustainable use of our oceans and reduced poverty.

SLU has been a member of the platform since it was first launched in 2019 by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) within their SWAM Ocean program, a programme financed by Sida and part of Sweden’s development cooperation. The platform is open for Swedish partners working with both the ocean and international development cooperation. There are also subject-specific network groups within the platform where SLU has been highly involved, e.g. network groups on fish and spatial management and marine spatial planning.

– By participating in the oceans platform and subject-specific groups, our network with partners working with similar issues is greatly extended and we gain valuable insights into the work of relevant sectors, says Charlotte Berkström, researcher at the Institute of Aquatic Recourses (SLU Aqua), who regularly participates in platform meetings.

Listen online

The conversation can be followed online here. (in Swedish)


Charlotte Berkström, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, SLU, +46 10 478 41 65