
Alumni from SLU Youth Institute visit Musikhjälpen!

Published: 02 December 2023

The three high school students who represented SLU during the Global Youth Institute in USA in October, have on their own initiative started a collection box for this year's theme at Musikhjälpen - No one should have to die of hunger.

Food is a human right. Despite this, people around the world die every day as a result of malnutrition. Around one in ten people do not know when or what they will eat next. Through Musikhjälpen 2023, everyone can join and contribute to the fight against hunger. - Swedish national radio, SR.

After their participation in Global Youth Institute in USA, Alice, Nina and Zeb have chosen to continue their commitment for increased food security by starting a collection box on their own initiative.

The students will also visit the "cage" in Växjö to talk live about their involvement and participation in SLU Youth Institute and the trip to World Food Prize in the USA. Don't miss to watch them in live national TV at SVT on December 14, 12.30!


Do you want to contribute and donate a penny to the collection box "The world's youth against hunger"?

Follow this link for more information on how to contribute!



SLU Youth Institute

SLU Youth Institute (SLU YI) aims to create interest among Swedish youth for global food security and to find sustainable solutions to the global challenges based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. SLU Youth Institute is the Swedish part of many Youth Institutes coordinated by the World Food Prize Foundation.


For more information please contact one of the coordinators on e-mail:

Anna-Klara Lindeborg (Uppsala region):
Telephone: +46-(0)730-88 64 47

Kristina Karlsson Green (Skåne region): 
Telephone: +46-(0)40-41 53 02

Elisabeth Nyström (Umeå Region):
Telephone: +46(0)90-786 82 38