Karin Wiberg, a researcher at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, shares the good news that her research team is among the authors of several articles on a recently published top list.
- Just to be published in this journal is great, and to then be on the list of top citations - it's even bigger. It's an acknowledgment that we're doing the right things.
The journal Karin talks about is Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T). It focuses on articles intended for an interdisciplinary audience consisting of researchers, decision-makers, and environmentalists. The journal has a high impact factor and is therefore attractive to publish in.
The list of top citations covers the most quoted articles in ES&T during the years 2018 to 2020. There are a total of 58 articles on the list and Karin and colleagues have authored three of them. All articles are included under the top list heading "Toxic environmental pollutants and exposure, fate and risk assessment".
What is the common denominator for the articles?
- All articles are the result of research projects that we have carried out in collaboration with various authorities: Swedish Chemicals Agency, Swedish Food Agency, and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, respectively, says Karin. The papers all deal with how people and the environment are exposed to toxic substances. It is very encouraging that the results are noticed and used. This is one of the main reasons why we do research.
Is it important that the research are collaborations?
- Two of the articles have been created through large research projects supported by the research council Formas: SafeDrink and RedMic, says Karin. With major investments, it is possible to gather strength and collaborate with other actors, for example with other research groups, but also with authorities and other types of organizations. In this way, we get the opportunity to direct high-quality research toward society's major challenges. It is worth noting that in all three papers there is at least one representative from the authorities, Swedish Chemicals Agency, Swedish Food Agency, and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, as co-author.