SLU news

Regarding the situation i Ukraine - 2 March Update

Published: 25 February 2022

Swedish Universities should abort all cooperations with Russian and Belarusian counterparts.

“It is with great sorrow that we are following what is happening Ukraine. We support the Swedish government’s condemnation of the invasion. We are now looking at how we can support the students and staff who have been negatively affected,” says Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel.

As a public authority, we are monitoring the decisions being taken by the Government and its ministries. On March 2, the Swedish Government urged all Swedish Universities to abort any cooperation with their Russian och Belarusian counterparts.

Management is in contact with the Government Offices of Sweden and the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) and we will make sure to share any information if the situation changes. SLU agrees with the statement published on SUHF:s website and on European University Association.

The European League For Life Sciences (ELLS) has also published a statement, to which we also agree.

Like other universities, we have established whether any of our students or staff are currently in Ukraine, or if we have students from Ukraine at SLU. We are also taking stock of the research collaborations between SLU and universities in Ukraine, Russia or Belarus.

As an international university we are all affected in some way and the ongoing events can cause stress and concern. We would like to remind our students and staff that SLU has several support functions you can turn to.


Contact study guidance, programme director of studies/course coordinator or the Student Health Centre.


Contact your line manager or occupational health services.

Security issues

The SLU Security Unit will follow the events closely and are prepared to take action where necessary.

Our primary focus is monitoring IT and information security, and we ask that you take extra precautions and do not accidentally spread false information or click on any unknown links. We strongly advise you to participate in SLU’s short course in IT and information security if you have not already done so:

Read the news about tightened security around cyber attacks


Scholars at Risk

At the end of January, SLU became a member of the international network Scholars at Risk, SAR. It is a network of more than 570 universities around the world that supporting defending human rights for researchers.