SLU news

Visit the Baltic Sea Science Center at Skansen – reopening in July

Published: 22 June 2021
Perch. Photo.

Last autumn the Skansen open-air museum in Stockholm had to close its entrances for the first time since the opening 129 years ago, due to restrictions in connection to the COVID-19 pandemic. But from April this year, Skansen reopened their open-air areas for public access, and from the first of July you can once again visit the Baltic Sea Science Center – an exhibition on the Baltic Sea with aquariums and interactive elements to which SLU contributes. It is worth a visit.

At the Baltic Sea Science Center (BSSC) there are aquariums, interactive exhibitions and a discovery lab for students. SLU is one of two universities guaranteeing the scientific quality of the exhibitions, being one of the partners in this very unique cooperation.

The BSSC is an excellent platform for public outreach and to attract the interest of future students. Since it’s opening in April 2019 more than 775 000 people have visited the BSSC, half of which were non-Swedish visitors. In addition, more than 290 school classes have visited the BSSC, in spite of the pandemic.

“The BSSC is an arena that is still under development, providing unique opportunities for outreach. At the moment we are planning an event during the Baltic Sea Day the 26th of August focusing on food from the Baltic Sea region. We are also happy that SLU scientists recently got funding from Formas for participating and leading science communications projects at BSSC. These projects will contribute to the exhibitions and develop new digital teaching materials focusing on climate change and also adapt a game exploring the connection between food production and climate change”, says Jens Olsson, coordinator for SLU Water Forum and SLU’s participation at BSSC.

Do you want to get involved in the cooperation at BSSC or contribute to the exhibition? Get in touch with Jens Olsson or anybody in “Kunskapsrådet” (knowledge council) connected to BSSC at SLU (link below).


Jens Olsson, coordinator of SLU Water Forum and SLU's participation at the Baltic Sea Science Center (BSSC)., +46104784144.