
SLU Centre for Biological Control's annual report 2020

Published: 11 February 2021
A cover for a report with a close-up of a hover fly. Photo.

SLU Centre for Biological Control, CBC, has now published the annual popular science overview of the activities during 2012.

During the year, the SLU Centre for Biological Control published a number of scientific advances related to the biological control of, for example, pest insects, fungal diseases, and nematodes. Many of these advances have been achieved in collaboration with plant producers both in Europe and in developing countries, as well as with industrial partners.

– Although the covid-19 pandemic overshadowed most other activities in 2020, it also placed cross-disciplinary questions related to control of harmful organisms on the global agenda, says Johan Stenberg, Director of CBC.


Biological control is a method of restricting effects of harmful animals, pathogens and plants using other useful organisms, e.g. microorganisms, insects and plants that inhibit the harmful organisms. The method takes advantage of basic ecological interactions between organisms, such as predation, parasitism, pathogenicity and competition. Today, biological control is used primarily for controlling pests in crop cultivation.

SLU Centre for Biological Control (CBC) aims to develop new knowledge concerning the use of living organisms to control pests and diseases.