- The report can serve as support when Swedish researchers participate in international projects on antibiotic use and preventive animal health work, says Johanna Grundin and Susanna Sternberg Lewerin, two of the authors of the report.
We need to explain the situation
The content of this report was originally written to provide data within a major international research project. It became obvious during the project, that there was a lack of knowledge among colleagues in the research field of antibiotic resistance, about what was done in Sweden and how successful this work was. The content therefore came to contain more than just the data needed in the project. Despite the fact that Sweden and Swedish veterinary medicine are often seen as pioneers in responsible antibiotic use and preventive animal health, there is a considerable unawareness about how this has developed and the work behind it.
- There are misconceptions that we have few animals, small populations and a climate that limit disease spread, or that we do not treat our sick animals, says Susanna Sternberg Lewerin, one of the authors of the report.
- The report gives a good understanding of the situation, describes the knowledge and experiences, good as well as bad, that have been gained during all the years we have worked for a responsible antibiotic use, says Johanna Grundin, one of the authors of the report.
This report can therefore serve as support when Swedish researchers participate in international projects on antibiotic use and preventive animal health work.
- We need to explain the situation, they both say.
Sweden is a role model and should strive for continued leadership internationally
Swedish animal production is characterized by strong protection of animals and good animal welfare, and Sweden is a world leader in prudent use of antibiotics while at the same time keeping the animals healthy. This makes us an important role model in the world and it is in line with the updated Swedish antibiotic strategy (in Swedish). Our expertise is requested and used internationally. According to the government, Sweden must continue to show leadership in the international work, within the framework of Agenda 2030 (in Swedish).
The report
Authors: Johanna Grundin, Isabel Blanco-Penedo, Nils Fall och Susanna Sternberg Lewerin.
Download and read the report: "The Swedish experience"
– a summary of the Swedish efforts towards a low and prudent use of antibiotics in animal production