Read more about the nomination on KSLA:s website (only in Swedish).
Every year KSLA awards Anders Elofsons medal to a person who has contributed significantly towards ley and seed production. This year the medal was awarded to Anne-maj Gustavsson, associated professor and reseacher at Agricutural Research for Northern Sweden.
Anne-Maj is an associated professor in crop production science. She is working with research and education in ley production, and she is also the chair person for the subject committtee for ley and forages.
She was awarded the medal "because of her research, which is being done with a strong focus on the chain from establishing leys, to pasture and conservation of forage for ruminants" (translation from Swedish).
Read more about the nomination on KSLA:s website (only in Swedish).
Anne-Maj Gustavsson, Researcher
Department of Crop Production Science, SLU
anne-maj.gustavsson@slu.se, +46 (0)90-786 8717