Eight SLU projects receive grants for development research
Published: 13 January 2020
Of the approximately SEK 157 million allocated by the Swedish Research Council to development research during the grant period 2020–2023, approximately SEK 26 million goes to SLU. Research should be of relevance for poverty reduction and sustainable development in low-income countries. Support is provided for research of the highest scientific quality in national competition.
A preliminary decision about the grants within the 2019 call for development research was made on November 28, 2019, pending the aid budget. The final decision was made on January 9, 2020. Below is a list of those who have received grants within the various partial calls, as well as amounts (SEK) and project titles.
Granted project grants 2019
- Sigrun Dahlin, 4 485 478 (Agroforestry for sustainable livelihoods, environmental resilience and adaptation to climate change)
- Rosa Goodman, 4,498,723 (How good is Good Wood? Can a new concept in the timber industry save the tropical forest?)
- Rickard Ignell, 4,498,475 (Utilization of flowering plants for the fight against malaria)
- Ramesh Vetukuri, 4,500,000 (Revived taro production in western Africa: large-scale phenotyping and omics methods for controlling taro diseases)
Granted grant for international postdoc, 2019
- Kibrom Abreha, 3 150 000 (Anthracnose resistance genes in the climate resilient crop sorghum, Sorghum bicolor)
- Dejene Biasazin Tibebe, 3 150,000 (Translating olfactory responses (olfactometer) to be applied in Tephritidae fruit flight control)
Network grants granted: Swedish research links, 2019
- Mohammad Bahram, 777 414 (Sustainable management of land resources in the light of traditional and molecular data in West Africa)
- Kristina Karlsson Green, 798,000 (Joint approach to developing biological control methods against the invasive insect pest Spodoptera frugiperda (L.) in Africa)