Grants within development research from the Swedish Research Council
Research project grant within development research
The purpose of the project grant is to give researchers the freedom to formulate by themselves the research concept, method and implementation, and to solve a specific research task within a limited period. The research shall be relevant to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in low income countries.
International postdoc grant within development research
The purpose of the grant is to give newly qualified researchers with a doctoral degree from a Swedish university the opportunity to expand their networks and their competences by working abroad under secure employment conditions. At least one third of the grant period should be spent in a low-income or lower middle-income country.
Network grant - Swedish Research Links
The purpose of the network grant Swedish Research Links is to establish a network around a specific research idea, aimed at a joint research project. The grant shall support the development of long-term joint research between Swedish researchers and researchers from low-income countries and lower middle-income countries.