Young reseachers from Europe met for breeding course in Umeå
Published: 28 June 2017
The department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden arranged a training course for young researcher in Umeå during June 19-2. The course was an arrangement within the European Cost Action project Methagene.
The training course had the theme "Breeding for complex traits" and eighteen students participated. Most came from different European countries, but one came from Columbia and one from Canada. Mohammad Ramin at NJV organised the course and the teachers were Pekka Huhtanen, SLU, Jan Lassen, Denmark, Britt Berglund, SLU, Eileen Wall, UK och Yvette de Hass, the Netherlands.
Mohammad Ramin, Researcher
Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, +46(0)90-786 8720