
NJV researcher publish article in Nature Ecology and Evolution

Published: 01 October 2017

Cecilia Palmborg, NJV is co-author to a paper with the title "Temporal divergence of ecosystem functioning among plant diversity levels in grassland and forest experimental ecosystems" published in Nature Ecology and Evolution 2 October. It is based on data from the EU-project BIODEPTH that was conducted 1996-2003 on the research station Röbäcksdalen.

Twenty six experiments manipulating the number of plant species have been conducted in grasslands and forests. These experiments have shown that the plant biomass production increases with increasing number of species. This biodiversity effect also increases with time in longer experiments. This study showed that this is caused by both increasing biomass production with time in species rich plant communities (grasslands and forests) and by decreasing biomass production with time in plant communities with few species (only grasslands).


Cecilia Palmborg, Researcher
Department of Agriculture Reasearch for Northern Sweden , SLU, +46(0)90-786 8713