CV page

Stefan Löfgren

Stefan Löfgren
My research focus on how different elements and compounds (acidity, humus, metals, nutrients) are liberated and exported from soils to surface waters.


My research follows two lines 1) experimental studies in small forested catchments and 2) assessments of large amounts of monitoring data and official statistics. The biogeochemistry of acidity related variables (BC, DOC, Al etc.), humus (DOC), metals and nutrients (N and P) is in focus. The catchment studies are performed in transects from recharge to discharge areas where soils, soil water, groundwater and runoff are assessed. Besides natural variability, impacts of forestry and agriculture are in focus.

I'm deeply infolved in environmental monitoring and assessment (FOMA) and since 2015 I'm coordinator for the FOMA Acidification program at SLU.

For 10 years I've been employed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the County Administration of Dalarna, directed towards environmental assessment rather than research. The work at authorities and later being a member of the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) advisery council and delegate of the Northern Baltic Water Authority Delegation, have given me a good insight in how water management functions in practice. The environmental assessment has generated a large number of reports in Swedish. A more more complete list of my publications, bibliometrics etc. are found from the links below.


I have initiated and directed research programs and projects finansiated by the Swedish Research Council (VR), FORMAS, the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU), the Swedish Environmentalm Protection Agency (NV), the Swedish Energy Agency (STEM), the Swedish Foreast Agecy (SKS), the Swedish Road Administration (VV), the Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR), the european Space Agency (ESA) and EU. The research has resulted in 65 peer reviewed scientific publications  (h-index =  22-26 depending on source, see links below).

Environmental analysis

I'm deeply infolved in environmental monitoring and assessment (FOMA) and since 2015 I'm coordinator for the FOMA Acidification program at SLU, yielding broad contacts with authorities at national, regional and local levels, private companies and NGO:s. Hence, many of my projects are published in Swedish reports. I'm also appointed as expert in aquatic issues by many authorities e.g. HaV, NV, STEM, SKS, SGU, water authorities and municupalities. During 10 years, I was a member of of the water concil at the Royal Swedish Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry (KSLA).


Earlier, I was employed as researcher by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (1990-93) and as officer (1987-89) and deputy director of the environmental protection unit (1996-98) at the County Administration of Dalarna. The experiences gained from work at authorities, the SGU advisory council since 2014 and the North Baltic Sea Water Authority Delegation since 2015 have given me good insight into how both former and current legislations have been handled by authorities and environmental courts.


Environmental assessment - acidification program

Publons - Web of science


Google Scholar Citations



Non employee at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment; Division of Geochemistry and Hydrology
Telephone: +4623793457, 070-6955177
Postal address:
Institutionen för vatten och miljö
Box 7050
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala