CV page

Pierre Chopin

Re-designing for transforming agri-food systems is a necessity to achieve major improvement of farming systems and agricultural landscapes in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emission of agriculture, biodiversity loss and increasing the viability of farming


The aim of my research is to re design farming systems and agricultural landscape in a way that they benefit to farmers and society. This theory is that this redesign should account for the link between cropping system characteristics and the impacts of these systems at different spatial scales. At this department (Department of Crop Production Ecology, SLU), I am working in the Agricultural Cropping System (ACS)’s research group managed by Ingrid Öborn.


Contribute to Agricultural Cropping Systems (15 ECTS credits) in "Assessing cropping systems", "Tropical Agriculture" and supervising students in group works


Ongoing projects:

- Analyzing the variety of crop rotations in Sweden between organic and conventional farmers - FORMAS Project Eko-Constraints: Constraint on organic farming development in Sweden

- Analysis of agricultural landscape diversity and ecosystem services- Cropping System platform Project: Assessing the ecosystem services associated with options of change in landscape composition and re-organization of agricultural and forest land in Sweden

- Farm and Landscape analysis of implementation of soybean and lupin based cropping systems - FORMAS Project IMPULSE: Fostering organic cultivation of grain legumes; a multi-scale feasibility study for soybean and lupin production in Sweden

- Sustainability assessment of cropping, farming and landscape systems - AgriFose Project 2030: Agriculture for Food Security, AgriFoSe2030

- Quantify AF systems´ potential to sustainably enhance farm productivity and profitability in different contexts and assess adoption incentives - FORMAS project Can agroforestry contribute to sustainable development in sloping upland areas of the Mekong region?



since 2019 Researcher in Farming and Landscape systems, SLU Department of Crop Production Ecology

2017- 2019 Postdoctor at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Crop Production Ecology

2015-2017 Research scientist at the Department of Tropical Agrosystems at Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (Inra France - center Guadeloupe)

2015 Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (Inra France) - University of the French West Indies (France - Guadeloupe)


PhD co-supervision:

Rafaelle Reumaux (2019-2023) : Ecological intensification in crop production – Understanding and facilitating underpinning ecosystem services 

Master students main supervision:

Defne Ulukan (M2 - 2019): Assessing the relative sustainability of farm households in Tanzania

Suzanne Hermouet (M1 - 2019): Capturing the evolution of cropping system
diversity in Sweden: An analysis from field to National level from 2005-2016



Selected publications

Hossard, L., Chopin, P., 2019. Modelling the impacts of agricultural landscape changes: A bibliometric review. Environmental Modeling and Software 122, 104513

Chopin, P., Sierra, J., 2019. Reduced tillage and organic amendments can offset the negative impact of climate change on soil carbon: A regional modelling study in the Caribbean. Soil and Tillage Research 192, 113-120.

Chopin, P., Bergkvist, G., Hossard, L., 2019. Modeling biodiversity change in agricultural landscape scenarios. A review and prospect for future research. Biological conservation 235, 1-17.

Chopin, P., Guindé, L., Causeret, F., Bergkvist, G., Blazy, J.M., 2019. Integrating stakeholder preferences into assessment of scenarios for electricity production from locally produced biomass on a small island. Renewable Energy 131, 128-136.

Chopin, P., Blazy, J.-M., Guindé, L., Wery, J., Doré, T., 2017. A framework for designing multifunctional agricultural landscapes: application to Guadeloupe Island. Agricultural Systems 157, 316-329.

Sierra, J., Causeret, F., Chopin, P., 2017. A framework coupling farm typology and biophysical modelling to assess the impact of vegetable crop-based systems on soil carbon stocks. Application in the Caribbean. Agricultural Systems 153, 172-180.

Chopin, P., Blazy, J-M., Guindé, L., Tournebize, R., Doré, T., 2017. A novel approach for assessing the contribution of agricultural systems to the sustainable development of regions with multi-scale indicators: Application to Guadeloupe. Land Use Policy 62, 132-142.

Chopin, P., Tirolien, J., Blazy, J-M., 2016. Ex-ante sustainability assessment of cleaner banana production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 139, 15-24.

Sierra, J., Causeret, F., Diman, J-L., Publicol, M., Desfontaines, L., Cavalier, A., Chopin, P., 2015. Observed and predicted changes in soil carbon stocks under export and diversified agriculture in the Caribbean. The case study of Guadeloupe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 213, 252-264.

Chopin, P., Blazy, J-M., Guindé, L., Doré, T., 2015. MOSAICA: A multi-scale bioeconomic model for the design and ex ante assessment of cropping system mosaics. Agricultural systems 140, 26-39.

Chopin, P., Blazy, J.-M., Doré, T., 2015. A new method to assess farming system evolution at the landscape scale. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35, 325-337.

Chopin, P., Blazy, J-M., 2013. Assessment of regional variability in crop yields with spatial autocorrelation: Banana farms and policy implications in Martinique. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 181:12–21.
