Magdalena Wiedermann
Currently I am holding a position as ENVISION project manager at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU. “ENVISION is a research project that develops an inclusive approach to the management of protected areas, known as ‘inclusive conservation’, with the aim of improving biodiversity and human well-being.”
I have a PhD degree from the University of Umeå and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Michigan Technical University. While teaching general biology at the University of Cincinnati and conservation ecology at the University of Umeå I acquired a broad knowledge of biodiversity research and issues surrounding biodiversity loss and management.
My teaching experience comprises courses such as for instance: “Plant Soil Interactions”, “Field Techniques in Ecology”, “Conservation Biology”, “Introductory Biology Lab”, “Ecology of Central European Ecosystems”, “Systematics and Species Identification of Vascular Plants”,...
I am a vegetation ecologist with a particular interest in questions related to global change, plant communities and plant soil interactions. Most of my research to date has been in boreal, alpine, and sub-arctic ecosystems. I am interested in vegetation change, and changes in ecosystem function and ecosystem services in response to global change. My goal is to assess the roles of important drivers of change as well as to identify key processes and mechanisms. For instance how (and how much) do different plant species, plant functional types and plant traits control carbon and nutrient cycling in different ecosystems, and how (and how much) does vegetation structure control ecosystem responses to global change? I am interested in the feedbacks of soil processes, influenced by modified biotic and abiotic conditions, on vegetation type and ecosystem function.
Selected publications
Wiedermann M. M., M. B. Nilsson. (2020) Peatland Vegetation Patterns in a Long Term Global Change Experiment Find no Reflection in Belowground Extracellular Enzyme Activities. Wetlands
Wiedermann M. M., E. S. Kane, L. R. Potvin, E. A. Lilleskov. (2017) Interactive plant functional group and water table effects on decomposition and extracellular enzyme activity in Sphagnum peatlands. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 108: 1-8.
Wiedermann M. M., E. S. Kane, T. J. Veverica, E. A. Lilleskov. (2017) Are colorimetric assays appropriate for measuring phenol oxidase activity in peat soils? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 105: 108-110.
Wiedermann M. M., U. Gunnarsson, M. B. Nilsson, A. Nordin, L. Ericson. (2009) Can small-scale experiments predict ecosystem response? An example from peatlands. Oikos 118 (3): 449-456.
Wiedermann M. M., U. Gunnarsson, L. Ericson, A. Nordin. (2009) Ecophysiological adjustment of two Sphagnum species in response to anthropogenic nitrogen deposition. New Phytologist 181: 208-217.
Dixon C. J., P. Schönswetter, J. Suda, M. M. Wiedermann, G. M. Schneeweiss. (2009) Reciprocal Pleistocene origin and postglacial range formation of an allopolyploid and its sympatric ancestors (Androsace adfinis group, Primulaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50 (1): 74-83.
Wiedermann M. M., A. Nordin, U. Gunnarsson, M. B. Nilsson, L. Ericson. (2007) Global change shifts vegetation and plant-parasite interactions in a boreal mire. Ecology 88: 454-464.
Bowman W. D., J. R. Gartner, K. Holland, M. Wiedermann. (2006) Nitrogen critical loads for alpine vegetation and terrestrial ecosystem response: Are we there yet? Ecological Applications 16: 1183-1193.