CV page

Linus Engstam

Linus Engstam
I work with modelling and techno-economic assessment of integrated hydrogen and biogas systems. A main research focus is the climate impact of such systems, especially in regards to electricity consumption.


PhD candidate at the Department of Energy and Technology with an interest in power-to-gas and sector coupling within the energy system. I have a background in energy and environmental engineering and aspire to be involved in the development of a more sustainable energy system.


At the present I am involved in the course Energy Market Analysis (TN0351) and lecture on power-to-gas in the course Bioenergy - Technology and Systems (TN0352).


My current project aims to investigate the potential of power-to-gas in biogas plants. By methanizing residual carbon dioxide using electrolytic hydrogen, the plant output can be increased while recycling otherwise wasted carbon dioxide. In a previous project I developed a model for determining hourly grid emission factors with the purpose of more accurately quantifying the climate impact of dynamically operated on-grid electrolyser systems.

I am also involved in a national competence center for biogas research, Biogas Solutions Research Center, as well as the ERA-Net project Power-2-Transport, where we are developing a software platform for optimising power-to-gas systems in an urban transport context. 

Selected publications

Engstam, L., Janke, L., Sundberg, C., Nordberg, Å. (2023).
Grid-supported electrolytic hydrogen production: Cost and climate impact using dynamic emission factors, Energy Conversion and Management.

Master's thesis:
Engstam, L., 2021. Power-to-X-to-Power in Combined Cycle Power Plants: A Techno-Economic Feasibility Study.


Doctoral Student at the Department of Energy and Technology; Bioenergy technology
Postal address:
Energi och teknik, Box 7032
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala