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Kazi Samiul Islam

I'm a PhD student focusing on identifying the sources of nitrogen (N) fixation in boreal forests. My research aims to discover the main contributors to nitrogen inputs and see how they respond to climate change. This work is important for understanding nutrient cycling and ecosystem dynamics in boreal forests.


Nitrogen is widely considered the most limiting resource in boreal forests. For more than two decades, research has primarily focused on a single nitrogen-fixing niche: mosses. However, new evidence indicates that moss-associated nitrogen-fixing bacteria only contribute a small fraction of the nitrogen that accumulates in boreal forests. This suggests that most fixed nitrogen inputs remain unexplained.

I am Kazi Samiul Islam, a doctoral student, investigating the major sources of fixed nitrogen in boreal forests and their response to climate change factors.


2021 | M.Sc. Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

2018 | B.Sc. Forest Sciences, University of Chittagong

Selected publications

Hupperts, Stefan F.; Islam, Kazi Samiul; Gundale, Michael J.; Kardol, Paul; Sundqvist, Maja K (2023) Warming influences carbon and nitrogen assimilation between a widespread Ericaceous shrub and root-associated fungi. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.19384

Yeasmin, S.; Islam, Kazi Samiul., Jashimuddin, M., & Islam, K. N. (2021). Ecosystem services valuation of homestead forests: A case study from Fatikchari, Bangladesh. Environmental Challenges. doi: 10.1016/j.envc.2021.100300

Jashimuddin, M., Islam, Kazi Samiul., & Nath, T. K. (2017). Identification and Valuation of Direct Ecosystem Services from Forest Protected Areas in Bangladesh: A case study. The Sri Lanka Forester, 38, 75–85



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