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Ivana Rodriguez Ewerlöf

Ivana Rodriguez Ewerlöf
Research area: Disease spread modelling, network analysis of animal movements, digitalisation, animal health and welfare.


I am employed by the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA), at the Department of Disease Control and Epidemiology. I am also a part of the Department of Animal Environment and Health at SLU.


In my PhD project ”MycoModel”, that started in 2022, we investigate how animal movements are connected to the spread of Mycoplasma bovis. A disease spread model will be developed where various control strategies will be tested. The results will be evaluated with, and communicated to, veterinarians, farmers, and other stakeholders.

I have also been involved in other research projects, for example about digitalisation of data from the veterinary sector and about animal welfare inspections.

Selected publications

2023. Data workflows and visualization in support of surveillance practice.

2022. Swedish dairy farmers’ perceptions of animal welfare inspections. 

2022. Swedish Trotting Horse Trainers’ Perceptions of Animal Welfare Inspections from Public and Private Actors.