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Hanna Karlsson Potter

Hanna Karlsson Potter
My research focuses on sustainability assessments of food and bioenergy production.


Course leader for "Energi- och livscykelanalys (TN0285)" and "Livscykelanalys för miljö- och vattenteknik (TN0313)". 



Mistra food futures is an interdisciplinary research project with a focus on the Swedish food system. Within the project, I work with environmental system analyzes of the current system as well as future scenarios for the Swedish food system.

Within the project "Cultivation of sustainable energy and a strengthened Swedish agriculture through a new oil crop", I work with environmental evaluation of field cress, a new oil crop.

Environmental effects of production and distribution of vegetarian protein sources in various forms, fruits and vegetables, cereals, root vegetables and more. Read more about the project here.

Potential assessments and life cycle assessment of HVO production. Read more about the project here.


Assistant supervisor for Saurav Kalita, Shan Zhang and Christan Sigtyggsson.

Selected publications

See publications here.


Researcher at the Department of Energy and Technology; Agricultural technology and systems
Telephone: +4618671777
Postal address:
Inst för energi och teknik, Box 7032
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala

Publications list: