CV page

Annrose Mwangi


I am a PhD student in soil science under the Restore4More project. My PhD project aims to improve understanding of the plant-soil-water nexus in the rangelands of East Africa to guide rangeland restoration efforts for enhanced biodiversity, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and food and water security. The project will addresses key knowledge gaps hindering effective, large-scale rangeland restoration by exploring the complex interactions among biodiversity, soil, water, and climate factors. This research is relevant not only for biodiversity conservation but also for enhancing local livelihoods and strengthening social-ecological resilience to shocks and stresses. 


Course assistance:

  • Sustainable Forestry and Land-use Management in the Tropics (15 ECTS)


Previous research projects where I have been involved include:

  • Drylands Transform (SLU): Achieving the SDGs in East African drylands: Pathways and challenges towards a social-ecological transformation of landscapes, livestock and livelihoods
  • ASAL adopt (Mercy Corps). The project aimed at strengthening ecosystem health in Wajir and Garissa counties in Kenya by enhancing the uptake and use of digital information services and tools among county governments and other key stakeholders in the rangeland management decision-making chain.
  • Building drought resilience in Samburu, Kenya, through sustainable rangeland management (VSF Suisse).
  • Strengthening Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in Western Kenya Plus (DFID, STARCK+ Programme, DAI, Matrix Development Consultants, and IISD)
  • BRACED: Building resilience against climate extremes and disasters (Mercy Corps and USAID) Mapping camel milk herders’ seasonal movement routes, natural resource distribution, and status in Wajir, Kenya.


  • MSc Land and Water Management. 2017. University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • BA Environmental Planning and Management. 2012. Moi University, Kenya
  • Diploma Environmental Management Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute, Kenya
