CV page

Adrian Dauphinee

Adrian Dauphinee
Researcher and PI investigating plant catabolism mechanisms. In addition to my roles in research and teaching, I hold two positions of trust at the Department of Molecular Sciences: Premises coordinator and Webmaster. My current research focuses on developing new tools and strategies to manipulate and further unravel critical biochemical processes in plants, specifically, the autophagy ("self-eating) pathway and biomolecular condensates called stress granules. In addition to my research, I am also passionate about scientific communication and outreach.


Organizer and lecturer for SLU's Confocal Microscopy course (SLU), 2019-Present

Lecturer for Genetic Molecular Plant Science (Stockholm University and Uppsala University), 2018-2021.

For a more complete list, please visit my external CV site (link below).



Primary research projects include:

AutoMods: Developing novel autophagy modulating compounds using chemical genetics.

Unravelling Stress Granules: An investigation into the compoisition and structure of biomolecular condensates.

For more details, please visit my group's research page (link below)


I'm a Canadian biochemist interested in catabolic processes, specifically autophagy ("self-eating") and programmed cell death (PCD). After completing my PhD studies at Dalhousie University (Canada) under the supervision of Dr. Arunika Gunawardena, I started a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sweden. My current research has focused on developing new tools and strategies to manipulate and further unravel this critical biochemical pathway. I am dedicated to understand how autophagy can be leveraged for the improvement of agriculture and human health. In addition to my research, I am passionate about volunteer work with a focus on science communication and public outreach. I am currently supported by Formas mobility and Starting Researcher Grants, as well as a Carl Tryggers Foundation grant.


Samujjal Bhattacharjee (Postdoctoral fellow)

Florentine Ballhause (PhD Student)

Adrian Suarez-Covarrubias (Researcher)

Remote co-supervisor of Benjamin Carron (Dalhousie University)

Graduated students at SLU:

Co-supervisor, Sanjana Holla (PhD Student)

Nicolò Brugnone (MSc Student)

Florentine Ballhause (PhD Student)


Selected publications


Researcher at the Department of Molecular Sciences; Biokemi
Postal address:
Intendentur BioCentrum, Box 7055
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Almas allé 5, Uppsala