24 Apr

Articum 2, Alnarp

Research infrastructure workshop series at LTV faculty

seminars, workshops |

Welcome to workshop 2 to discuss three more research infrastructures.


Time: 2024-04-24 13:15 - 15:00
City: Alnarp
Location: Articum 2
Organiser: LTV


Workshop 2

The LTV faculty is organizing a workshop series to showcase various research infrastructures at the faculty.

Welcome to workshop 2 to discuss three more research infrastructures. The microbial horticulture risk class 2-laboratory provides facilities for investigation of microbial dynamics within horticultural production chains. The Sensola lab is used for innovative research on human-environment interaction using portable sensors. Trädgårdslabbet is an outdoor growth facility for small scale trials and provides access to equipment for plant growth and analysis. Odlingsenheten (the cultivation unit) supports maintenance and smooth running of facilities.

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on ongoing and future development opportunities. Join us to learn more about these facilities and share your thoughts on how they can be developed further.

We look forward to your participation.

13.15 Welcome!

Speakers: Christina Lunner Kolstrup, Dean LTV Faculty
Aakash Chawade, Vice Dean for Research Infrastructure

13.20 Microbial horticulture lab – risk class 2

Speaker: Beatrix Alsanius, Department of Biosystems and Technology


13.40 SLU Multisensory outdoor laboratory - Sensola

Speaker: Caroline Hägerhäll, Department of People and Society


14.00 Trädgårdslabbet och Odlingsenheten (in Swedish)

Speakers: Alexandra Nikolic, Odlingsenheten
Karin Svensson, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Kajsa Svensson, Department of Plant Protection Biology



14.20 Panel discussion (speakers and the dean)

14.45 Fika