18 Nov
19 Nov

Alnarp and Botildenborg

Getting Our Cities Right #4 – shaping our future urbanscapes

conferences |

Our future depends on ‘Getting Our Cities Right!’ Welcome to the fourth conference in this series - where we examine today's and future challenges in sustainable urban development from an interdisciplinary and holistic landscape perspective. The conference takes place over two days, where on day 1 we gather in Alnarp and on day 2 we visit Botildenborg in Malmö.

We live in a more urbanized world than ever, where global sustainability challenges are intricately connected to processes of urbanisation. Whilst a global urban agenda has emerged through SDG11, there is a need to critically assess how complex sustainability challenges manifest not just in cities but across landscapes, and how the relationship between people, place and processes of urbanisation produce local, place-based particularities.

Throughout the conference, we will examine urban transformation through emerging narratives and the evolving use of urbanscapes. We will offer interdisciplinary perspectives on sustainable urban development, with a focus on key areas such as water, health, food, energy, nature-based solutions, and socio-cultural approaches to planning.

We look forward to welcoming you to our 2-day conference, combining critical keynotes with co-creative workshops, and an exhibition shaping research and collaboration for envisioned urban futures!

For a detailed program and registration see below


Time: 2024-11-18 00:00 - 2024-11-19
City: Alnarp and Botildenborg
Organiser: SLU Urban Futures and ITD Alliance
Last signup date: 5 November 2024
Price: Free of charge
Additional info:

The conference is organised in cooperation with the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity

Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity

Summaries from previous conferences in the series:

Getting Our Cities Right #1 - in Uppsala

Getting Our Cities Right #2 - in Alnarp

Getting Our Cities Right #3 - in Umeå


Programme - 18 November

Location: Campus Alnarp, aulan. Alnarpsgården, Sundsvägen 6, Lomma
Breakfast mingle

Welcome address & introduction to SLU Urban Futures and ITD Alliance
Nina Vogel, Director of SLU Urban Futures &
Tobias Buser, founder & director of koforges & co-initiator of ITD Alliance transformation

 Keynote session #1
Navigating urban transformation: shaping narratives of sustainable urban futures 

Opening keynote: Urban transformation dilemmas as opportunity spaces for change
Henrietta Palmer, University of Gothenburg

Critical urbanities: fragmented cities and water landscapes
Lisa Diedrich, SLU & University of Buenos Aires & Gini Lee, University of Melbourne

Nature-based solutions - working with nature to envision, learn and experiment
Kes Mccormick, SLU

Coffee Break & Exhibition
Social and cultural contributions to urban development: Critical perspective on urban and landscape studies
Burcu Yigit Turan, SLU

Apathway domain framework for the study of environment-health relations
Terry Hartig, Uppsala University

Panel discussion with speakers
Launch – A method toolbox
Lunch & mingle at exhibition space


Workshop session #1 *
Energy landscapes of the future – what, who, when and how?

Setting the stage with urbanscapes – transforming urban/rural energyscapes

Nina Vogel

Energy(land)scapes - A broker space

Caroline Dahl, SLU
Reality check – A paradigm shift for energy futures

Tove Barnabo, Uniper                       
Inspiration – Utopic energy landscapes, a dystopia in the making?

Anders Larsson, SLU                          
Exploring biodiversity in energy scapes – on the ground and potential for roof based installations

Tobias Emilsson, SLU                        
Discussion with speakers

Coffee break
Mapping energyscapes – Working session with all participants

Caroline Dahl, SLU
16:30 – 16:45
Wrap up and closure for the day                                 
[More information will be available shortly]

Programme - 19 November

Location: Malmö, Botildenborg. Västra Skrävlinge Kyrkoväg 12, Malmö

Welcome and introduction to the day

Nina Vogel & Lena Friblick
Local tour & hands-on action – A learning space:
Botildenborg Social Farm & Social Innovation Living Lab
Lena Friblick, Founder Botildenborg                            
Coffee break

Keynote session #2
Practicing urban transformation: shaping sites and systems of sustainable urban futures.

Human-nature interaction: nature-based integration in the Swedish context

Anna María Pálsdóttir, SLU   
Municipal perspectives connecting food and health

Malmö Stad
Shorter break
Integrated food planning: Shaping urban food environments

Andrew Gallagher, SLU                    

Workshop session #2 *
Shaping synergies: how do food- and health-scapes meet?

Setting the stage with urbanscapes – focus urban healthscapes

Nina Vogel & Amanda Gabriel, SLU
Food and health nexus – A broker space
Working session with Caroline Dahl
Coffee break
Report back and wrap up

Closure for the day and Goodbye

*Please note that you are required to register for the workshops in addition to the morning keynote sessions.