1 Jun

Silvicum, Alnarp

Presentations of master theses

Welcome to listen to our students' presentations of their master theses in forest science.

All presentations are held in English in room Silvicum, Southern Swedish Forest Resarch Centre, SLU, Sundsvägen 3, Alnarp.

Want to listen online?
Please contact giulia.attocchi@slu.se


08:00 - 09:00

“Comparison of native and introduced tree species in a range from low to high productivity sites in southern Sweden”

Gailene Brazaityte

Opponent: Julia Nowak
Examiner: Magnus Löf
Supervisor: Emma Holmström

09:00 – 10:00

“Day or night? Testing thermal imaging technology for estimating ungulate population densities in southern Sweden”

Julia Nowak

Opponent: Olamide Michael Adu
Examiner: PO Hedwall
Supervisor: Annika Felton
Co-supervisors: Robert Spitzer, Navinder Singh

10:00 - 13:30 Break
13:30 - 14:30

“An effect of tree age on masting signal in tree-ring chronologies of beech in Southern Sweden”

Jeppe var den Lee

Opponent: Gailene Brazaityte
Examiner: Mats Niklasson
Supervisor: Igor Drobyshev


Time: 2023-06-01 08:00 - 14:30
City: Alnarp
Location: Silvicum
