26 Apr


Rethinking urban living labs

seminars, workshops |
City gardens. Photo.

Welcome to a discussion looking at the emergence of transformative practices in cities in relation to urban food systems, looking at the diversity of actors involved and how their different visions, goals and solutions shape narratives of change.

This Ask the Author session will provide a space for a detailed discussion We will discuss what inclusivity means in the context of urban food systems change and the role of citizen engagement in different types of urban living labs. As is customary to our sessions, we invite a small group who approach this topic from different backgrounds and areas of expertise to join the panel.

On this occasion, we will be joined by Anke Brons and Koen van der Gaast from Wageningen University to discuss their research paper A tale of two labs: Rethinking urban living labs for advancing citizen engagement in food system transformation, published in Cities in 2022

The article is available here

Ask the author sessions is a seminar format containing an author-led discussion and reflection on a recent publication related to food systems sustainability. As is customary to our sessions, we invite a small group who approach this topic from different backgrounds and areas of expertise to join the panel.

The event will be held online on Zoom, please register through this link:


Time: 2022-04-26 15:00 - 16:30
City: Zoom
Organiser: SLU Future Food, SLU Urban Futures and TABLE
Additional info:

Table is a global platform for knowledge synthesis, for reflective, critical thinking and for inclusive dialogue on debates about the future of food. www.tabledebates.org

Food & Cities is a joint collaboration between SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future Foods, exploring research at the intersection of sustainable urban development and sustainable food systems.

For questions regarding the event, please contact the coordinator for Food & Cities at andrew.gallagher@slu.se