City: Online via Zoom
Organiser: SLU Bioinformatics Infrastructure (SLUBI)
Online via Zoom
Online bioinformatic DROP-IN every Wednesday between 13:00 and 14:00 offered by the SLU Bioinformatics Infrastructure (SLUBI)
Before the pandemics, SLUBI (SLU Bioinformatics Infrastructure) used to organises Bioinformatics drop-in sessions at all 3 campi for answering various Bioinformatics questions around a fika. It is also the opportunity for bioinformaticians to gather and exchange about their experiences. Now the drop-in goes online: all campi at the same place and time!
Meet the SLUBI representatives in this Zoom room (Password: 329571)
Are you interested in learning more about SLUBI's acitivities? Have a look here: