Summertime – great opportunity for outreach

Last changed: 13 July 2023

Soon it's summer and sometimes a time for "news drought". Summer is a time when it could be easier for your research to get an outreach in newspapers and magazines, they want to fill their channels with exciting and interesting news that does not fit in at other times of the year, Especially if you are working with a summer crop!

Then you and your research group have a great opportunity to not only talk about your research but maybe even show it on the spot.

Here are some tips:

  • Update your contact information and area of ​​expertise on SLU's lists of "Ask a researcher" (in Swedish). Find the subject areas that are relevant to your area of ​​responsibility and expertise. Are the lists updated or do you need to update your information? Send an e-mail to
  • Does your research address common topics during the summer? Such as drought, insects etc.? Then it is good to review articles in the Knowledge Bank on for them to be updated.
  • Discuss in your research group if there are others within the group who might be highlighted as a spokesperson? Maybe you are a doctoral student and want to take a step towards communicating your research more? Then maybe you should be the contact person for your research area.
  • Do you want to contact the media yourself? Then think about the news angle and the story before contacting media.  What do you want to tell your target audience and is it newsworthy? Last year, we tipped off about what might be of news value (further down the list).

Remember to film and photograph your work. Field trials, microorganisms, grain, potatoes, playgrounds, green roofs, laboratory experiments; no matter what you are working on, a picture is worth a thousand words. And if the picture moves, that can only be a bonus. This is why the visual component of communication is so important. Over 80% of journalists and writers use images in their articles. They are also keen to include image material in press releases, as this facilitates their work and improves your chances of being seen.  Read more about our tips on taking photos and filming at Tips, ideas and inspiration for science communication

The tips comes from Ida Andersson och Camilla Zakrisson Juhlin at the Unit for Collaboration and Development.


