Project descriptions on the web

Last changed: 16 January 2024

There are two ways to present research on SLU's website. Ongoing projects can be described on project pages, while published articles might fit in the Knowledge bank.

Project pages

All ongoing research projects can have a descriptive project webpage. At the VH faculty, all project webpages are published in the same place on the web. The page is created and published by the web publisher in your department based on the material you hand in. Download the template here.

The content of a project webpage

  • Descriptive main heading (ca 60-70 characters including blank spaces)
  • A preamble that clarifies the purpose of the project (ca 300-500 characters, blanks included).
  • A brief description of the background, importance and hypothesis. If there is a lot of information, use subheadings.
    (ca 1.000- max. 2.000 characters, blanks included).
  • Contact details and link to CV pages.
  • The start and end (if possible) date of the project and the financier
  • An image representative for the project.
  • A description of the image and the name of the photographer/owner (minimum size: 300x300px). If you do not have a suitable picture, check out SLU´s Image bank.

The Knowledge Bank

The Knowledge Bank contains articles describing published research. 

Ask a web publisher to get the page published in the Knowledge Bank. The text must be approved by the communications department before publication. See more in the instructions for the knowledge bank. Download the template for Knowledge Bank articles here.


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU +46(0)18-67 10 00