SLU's environmental data catalogue

Last changed: 18 June 2024

The SLU environmental data catalogue contains data descriptions for open data from our environmental monitoring and assessment.

The aim of the catalogue is to make it easier to find and download data from our many monitoring programmes and environmental assessment projects. Making data and data descriptions (metadata) available and making data easy to find are requirements in SLU's data management policy. The environmental data catalogue is also part of the work to achieve SLU's environmental goal for environmental analysis, which states that at least 90% of all activities participating in SLU's quality work should provide open data on the web by the end of 2025.

The catalogue is managed by DMGD, but environmental assessment staff can create and edit data description pages themselves.

If you have any questions about the environmental data catalogue and the data descriptions, please contact


The Unit for Data Management Guidance and Development

The Unit for Data Management Guidance and Development is part of DMS, a division of the SLU Univeristy Library that assists everyone at SLU with the management, publication and long-term preservation of research and environmental monitroing data, the creation of data management plans, and other data management issues.