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Mobile bike service at Campus Ultuna

Did you know that 47% of all trips in Uppsala are made by foot or bicycle? Or that the corresponding figure is 25% for SLU (all campuses)? If you are one of them, you are making a big contribution to the climate! If you are one of those who ride bikes, you are making a big contribution to the climate! You also know how much it is worth to have a bike that works as it should.

A path in the forest with a cyclist passing by, green wood as background and yellow leaves on the ground.

A mobile bicycle service is now open for students and employees at Campus Ultuna so that you can easily get help with the bicycle while you are at work or the lecture as usual.

No need to load the bike in the car or adjust your schedule to the time when the bike workshop closes! Read further down how the service works and a direct link to the booking system.

 A sign with the message "Come in! we're open".  White flowers surround the main image.

Whats new?  

The bike service goes on again in April and May at a new location!

The spring campaign was a success with days fully booked during week 15 !

During the rest of April and May, the service is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from week 17 (22-23/4) onwards, in a new location.

Read more below, under "How does the service work?"

More about the project

This is a pilot project that runs during 2024 with the support of the SLU's climate fund. Click here to see more info about the project.

Four keys from a computer forming the word info

Service provider

The service is provided by Joey's cycle workshop AB during the pilot project

A bycicle symbol on the street

Do you want to fix your own bike?

Did you know that there is a "do-it-yourself" bicycle workshop at Campus Ultuna? The workshop gives students and employees at SLU an opportunity to maintain and repair their own bicycles by themselves and completely free of charge! Click here to know more

A person who works with a bicycle
Published: 15 April 2024 - Page editor: agnes.soto@slu.se