Layout and Print Services

Last changed: 10 March 2025

The SLU layout and print services offers units and departments help with printing and simple layout tasks. Contact us if you need assistance with anything from an idea to a finished product. We also offer consultations and support with quotations.

If we cannot produce your printed item in-house, we have agreements in place and collaborate with several external printing companies. No matter what materials you need printing, we will ensure you get the results you want. There is no need to worry about procurements, we will take care of them for you.

Grafisk service Uppsala and Alnarp are closed week 28–30.
If you have orders, be out in good time!

Order using the online form, via email, telephone or in person.

Doctoral theses


Please provide the following information when you submit your thesis files:

  • The date you will be posting your doctoral thesis (spikning). The files must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of your spikning.
  • The invoice reference you are using (123ABC) and reference person (first and surname).
  • The number of copies to be printed.
  • The number of any additional spiral-bound copies you would like (if applicable). Every second page of a spiral-bound copy is left blank/white for note taking.
  • Any pages you would like printing in colour. Write a list of the page numbers and where we can find them in the introductory chapter and any other papers (appendices).

File formats

  • Introductory chapter as a PDF
  • Papers (appendices) as PDFs
  • Notification of submission of the doctoral thesis as a PDF
  • Back cover text as .doc (Word)
  • Any front page images as .tif or .jpg


You can collect your thesis from the Ulls hus service centre or we can deliver it to you. If you would like it delivered, please provide your name and address as well as the postal address of where/to whom it needs to be sent.

Instructions and templates

Legal deposit copy

Approximately twelve copies of your thesis will be needed for administration purposes. Seven of these copies will be legal deposit copies, and the remaining five will be reference copies for the SLU University Library and registrar.

We or the printers are responsible for submitting the legal deposit copy.

You must ensure the correct number of printed copies have been sent to the SLU University Library and the registrar. The number will vary depending on the faculty.

  • NJ Faculty students: you must make sure that three copies of your thesis (including the information sheet (spikblad)) are available at the SLU University Library in Uppsala, and one copy is submitted to the registrar, Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala. The final date for submission is the date of the spikning.
  • VH Faculty students: you must make sure that four copies of your thesis (including the information sheet (spikblad)) are available at the SLU University Library in Uppsala, and one copy is submitted to the registrar, Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala. The final date for submission is the date of the spikning.
  • S Faculty students: you must make sure that four copies of your thesis (including the information sheet (spikblad)) are available at the SLU University Library on the campus where your defence will take place, and one copy is submitted to the registrar, SLU, 901 83 Umeå. The final date for submission is the date of the spikning.
  • LTV Faculty students: you must make sure that two copies of your thesis (including the information sheet (spikblad)) are available at the SLU University Library in Alnarp, and one copy is sent to the registrar, SLU Alnarp, Box 190, 234 22 Lomma. The final date for submission is the date of the spikning.

The Act (1993:1392) on legal deposit copies also applies to doctoral theses, meaning that everything that is printed and/or copied must be sent to the university libraries and the National Library of Sweden. Seven copies are therefore required. There is more information about legal deposit copies on the National Library’s website.


The SLU Library allocates an ISBN and ISSN to doctoral theses and other publications. Click the link to find out more about ISBN and ISSN.

Additional information

We will email you a PDF of your thesis (including front and back pages) once it has been approved and printed. This is the file you will need to upload and register in the SLU publication database (SLUpub). If you have not received a PDF, please contact us and we will send you one.

Once you have received your proof copy, please check the document and notify us of any corrections, or approve the document before the final copies are printed.

We need all these files and the above information on the date you submit your manuscript. It usually takes three weeks from submission to the final version and print.

Contacting us in good time also reduces the risk of additional work and adjustments, which in turn keeps costs low.

Brochures, fliers and folders

Brochures come in several styles and formats. Share your idea with us and we will be happy to help you.

Fliers (pamphlets, flyers) can be single or double-sided and printed on high-quality coated, uncoated or gloss paper. We offer various sizes, from A-format to several specific dimensions. Select ‘Poster’ for larger formats.

Folders can be single or double-sided and contain four to six pages. They can be printed on high-quality coated or gloss paper. We offer various sizes, from A-format to several special dimensions. Select ‘Brochure’ for folders with more than six pages.

Envelopes and address stickers


Order envelopes through Proceedo under ‘Browse’, ‘tryckeritjänster’ (select location). Be sure to place your order well in advance if you need your product by a specific date. Your order will be processed once your line manager has authorised the purchase in Proceedo. You should be able to collect your product within 1–3 days.

If you are not authorised to order in Proceedo
Ask a colleague at your department or equivalent to order on your behalf. A Proceedo training course (in Swedish) is available on the staff web:

Address stickers

Email about printing stickers. When ordering for the first time, please include your Postnord customer number or barcode, department or unit and address. You are welcome to include an image or print file from previous orders.

Posters and roller banners

Single-sided posters can be printed on high-quality coated or gloss paper or fabric. Posters are available in sizes ranging from A3 to 70 x 100cm. Select ‘Flyer’ for a smaller format.

Templates for scientific posters, general posters and roller banners are available here.

We also offer 85 x 200cm roller banners. These banners are robust, easy to transport and assemble. All of our roller banners are printed in colour, on high-quality canvas. Supplied together with an aluminium cassette and fold up pole, colour image and handy carry case.

Exhibition materials

SLU offers a tailored range of exhibition materials to staff and students. They are readily available and can be reserved at SLU’s main campuses, including written and video instructions. This system makes it easier for staff and students to represent the university with cohesive materials and communication.

View the range and reserve items here.

Please note that you can only collect your materials from the campuses listed.

Business cards and correspondence cards

All purchases being paid for by SLU must be made via Proceedo.
Place your order well in advance if you need the product by a specific date. Once your line manager has authorised the purchase in Proceedo, your order will be processed. You should be able to collect your product within 1–3 days.
If you are not authorised to order in Proceedo
Ask a colleague at your department or equivalent to order on your behalf. A Proceedo training course (in Swedish) is available on the staff web:

SLU business cards are printed in both English and Swedish.



Layout and printing guidelines

File format

PDF, EPS or Jpg/Jpeg (min. 150 dpi) formats are preferred. PSD, Indd, Tiff (LZW compression) and Ai are also accepted.

High-resolution PDFs are the best file formats as they are unaffected by the platform being used. All graphics and font types in the PDF can be included.

PDF settings

PDF files must be compatible with ISO PDF/X1a 2001 standard. The font must be included or converted into paths.


We recommend a resolution of 600 dpi. A minimum of 600 dpi is required for flyers and folders. Large formats such as banners and roller banners must be at least 72 dpi. Anything lower will result in poor print quality.


A bleed of a minimum of 3mm is recommended for images that go beyond the edge of the sheet. This can be selected in InDesign, by clicking File > Document setup > Bleed.

File conversion

Files that do not meet the above layout requirements need to be converted to a printable format (Jpg or Tiff).


Grafisk service
Division of Services, Security and Environment (SSM), SLU Services

Alnarp: +46(0) 40-41 50 09 (Peter Sjöholm)
Visiting and delivery address: Sundsvägen 6, 234 56 Alnarp
Postal address: P.O. Box 190, 234 22 Lomma

Ultuna och övriga orter: +46(0) 18-67 27 88
Visiting address: Almas allé 8, 756 51 Uppsala (Servicecenter, Ulls hus)
Delivery address: Godsmottagningen, Ulls gränd 1, 756 51 Uppsala