Reports and information is saved and processed in accordance with the Personal Data Act and, when necessary, the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act. You can also submit a report anonymously in the incident report system.
In order for SLU Security to become aware of near-accidents and concrete incidents relating to security at SLU, you must submit an incident report.
It is important to report incidents and near-accidents for several reasons. Among other things, as a public authority and employer, we are obligated to report certain near-accidents and incidents, but it is also important in order to be able to see possible patterns and follow up with statistics. What the individual perceives as an isolated incident can in fact be part of a series of incidents that show some kind of pattern. Therefore, it is important that everyone at SLU feels responsible, including for events that do not pertain to their operations.
Incident reports can lead to preventative measures which can prevent or reduce the number of similar incidents in the future, or reduce the consequences of such incidents.
Submit a report as soon as possible after an incident has occurred. This is so the person reporting the incident has a fresh memory of it and because SLU Security must be able to act and inform others if necessary.
The person who carries out or is responsible for possible measures depends on what has happened. This means that different people and functions can become involved. It can be your immediate manager, their manager, SLU Security, the Division of Human Resources, the Division of IT, etc.
Option 1:
Report an incident by clicking on the button at the top of the page.
Option 2:
Send an email to sakerhet@slu.se (please enter “Incident report” as the subject) and summarise what has happened. Enter your contact information, time, date, location where the incident took place, if it was a near-accident or injury, what happened, measures taken and if the event has been reported somewhere else. If we need any supplementary information, we will contact the person who reported the incident.
Option 3:
Contact us using the contact information below.
Other types of reporting
Reports and information is saved and processed in accordance with the Personal Data Act and, when necessary, the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act. You can also submit a report anonymously in the incident report system.
Security Unit: