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System showcase

Here we show a selection of IT solutions the unit has developed for SLU covering a wide range of different usage scenarios and platforms. Click on any system below to see a detailed system presentation.


LINS is an operational follow-up system providing decision support to those working with the planning and management of SLU operations. These include the university’s leadership, prefects, controllers and administrative staff across all departments and institutions.

Lots of new students at SLU in Uppsala. Photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner, SLU


Svereg is a registration system installed aboard RV Svea which is used to register fish and other catch from monitoring trawling surveys on the North and Baltic Seas.

Research vessel Svea in Lysekil harbour


El-Reg is a mobile app for Android and iOS with accompanying services used by the Department of Aquatic Resources while surveying fish stocks in Sweden’s waterways by electrofishing. Data registered through El-Reg is uploaded to the Swedish national database for electrofishing data (SERS) for analysis and reporting.

Electric fishing in a stream. On catching the operator can use the El-reg app to register data about the catch, the location and the environment. Photo: Magnus Kokkin, SLU

Miljödata MVM

The information system Miljödata MVM (soil, water and environment) is part of Sweden’s national environmental monitoring. It’s used by several institutions at SLU to facilitate their commissions as national data hosts for agricultural land and fresh waters.

The SLU Agricultural Operations Unit harvesting winter wheat. Foto: Jenny Svennås-Gillner, SLU

Student systems

The term student systems represents several in-house and external digital tools, and SLU and national data sources. All integrated together to provide a solid digital working environment for students, teachers and administrators. A place where the digital tools contribute positively to the learning experience and do not become obstacles in themselves.

A student using Canvas on their laptop. Photo: Josef Näslund, SLU
Published: 23 May 2024 - Page editor: ivan.clegg@slu.se

Contact IT department

  • IT-Support: 018-67 6600
  • IT-Servicedesk / Tele-support: Tone selection 1
  • Video conference/ AV-support: Tone selection 2
  • IT-support
  • support@slu.se

Visiting addresses IT department

  • Alnarp Sundsvägen 4
    234 56 Alnarp
  • Skara Gråbrödragatan 19
    532 23 Skara
  • Skinnskatteberg Herrgårdsvägen
    739 31 Skinnskatteberg
  • Umeå Skogsmarksgränd
    901 83 Umeå
  • Uppsala Ulls hus, Almas allé 8
    751 56 Uppsala