Site visits

Last changed: 18 May 2022

In order to get an improved understanding of how SLU:s quality assurance process works, the assessor's group will visit SLU twice.

During the site visits the assessors will interview a considerable number of representatives for different levels of university management, students unions, university board as well as teachers, supervisors, students, PhD students.

The final decision whether SLU:s quality assurance process is approved, approved with reservations or under review will be based on the self evaluation and to a large degree on the result of the interviews.

During the first site visit 18 September, the interviews, based on the self-evaluation,aim to identify audit trials.

During the second site visit 26-27 November, the interviews aim to examine how quality assurance processes work in practice by examine one or more areas of focus/audit traits.

Audit trails is a way to examine quality assurance processes in different environments.