Contacts at the NJ faculty

Last changed: 09 July 2024

Here you can find contact information to the management and faculty office of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (NJ-fak).

Faculty management

The dean has powers and responsibilities to the extent that the faculty board delegates. The dean also has powers and responsibilities as line manager between the vice-chancellor and heads of department, to the extent decided by the vice-chancellor.

Noél Holmgren, dean

Pär Ingvarsson, Deputy Dean
018-67 32 30

Faculty office

The main task of the faculty office is to provide support to the management of the faculty and its departments, providing decision bases and administrative support.

The head of the faculty office is Pär Aronsson.

Pär Aronsson, Head of Faculty Administration
018-67 25 67 Pär Aronsson.