Council for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Fomar)

Last changed: 19 December 2024

Fomar is a general body for the university and the faculties tasked with handling general strategic issues and to support, coordinate, stimulate and develop work on environmental monitoring and assessment, EMA, and its coordination with other reporting areas. The council also submit proposals to the vice-chancellor for the annual allocation of direct government funding to the faculty boards and joint objectives within the reporting area.


Minutes in Swedish are available in Public 360. The Public 360 plugin for Office must be installed on your computer. If you have a standard SLU computer, it has most likely been pre-installed. If the plugin is missing,  follow the instructions on technical requirements to open files or, if you need help, contact or your local IT technician. For remote work, you also need to be connected via VPN.

Composition 2022-2025


  • Acting pro vice-chancellor for external collaboration and environmental monitoring and assessment: Annsofie Wahlström


  • LTV-faculty: vice-dean Håkan Schroeder, personal deputy senior lecturer Caroline Dahl
  • NJ-faculty: vice-dean Jens Olsson, personal deputy researcher Pia Geranmayeh
  • VH-faculty: vice-dean Johan Dicksved, personal deputy researcher Stefan Örn
  • S-fakulteten: deputy dean Pernilla Christensen, personal deputy coordinator Charlotta Erefur 
  • Sluss-DN: Hannah Burger, personal deputy Cedric Åkermark