SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Addresses and opening hours
The last day to apply to the SLU University Library’s PhD course “Academic writing and text awareness” is the 10 March. The course is digital only and open to PhD students from all of SLU.
The PhD course ”Academic writing and text awareness” aims to help participants develop sustainable and successful writing strategies, understand academic texts as a genre and provide tools for approaching the writing traditions of their own discipline in a structured way. The course also includes a section on text feedback, for example in the peer-review situation.
The course, that runs between 24 March and 5 June, is digital only and open to PhD students from all of SLU. A major part of the course work is done individually, but Zoom lectures and discussions are also included in the course. To give participants the opportunity to reflect and work on the course assignments without time pressure, the course is given on a part-time basis.
A detailed schedule and instructions for independent work will be available to participants at the start of the course.
Do you have any questions? Please contact
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Addresses and opening hours