SLU news

Call for short-term monitoring projects

Published: 02 September 2024

The SLU Forest Damage Centre announces a call with focus on monitoring of forest damage. The call is for short-term monitoring projects that focus on method development and will be carried out in 2025 or until early 2026.

Applications will be evaluated according to below stated grounds of assessment (project question, method and performance, relevant competence, societal relevance and communication).

The main applicant needs to be employed at SLU. The total budget for this call is 0,5 million SEK. To be able to grant as many projects as possible, we suggest to apply for 100 000 - 250 000 SEK.  Granted support may be used to cover salary (including overhead costs), travel expenses, or equipment needed for method development. Successful applicants will receive the granted financial support applied for in 2025, even for those projects that will continue in 2026. Funded projects shall report a short summary by March 2026. 

Please read below how to apply.

Grounds of assessment

Project question

- Scientific novelty, methodological advancement or other needs specified in relation to monitoring of forest damage

- Quality of intended output

Method and performance

- Feasibility and suitability of the methods

- Well-defined and realistic work plan

- Ethical considerations when relevant

- Reasonable budget in relation to the intentions

Relevant competence

- Ability to carry out and coordinate the monitoring

- Communication skills (dissemination of results to stakeholders/end users)

- Strength and competitiveness of the research group

Societal relevance and communication

- Connection to social/sectoral issues

- Short- or long-term practical application

- Stakeholder/end user needs accounted for

- A concrete and realistic plan for communication and other output


How to apply

Applications should be written in English with a popular summary in Swedish.

To apply, use this application template and attach the CV of the main applicant. The CV should be a max. of two pages, and contain the 10 most relevant publications.

Please adjust the box sizes below according to the length of your answer but note that the application shall not exceed the number of signs specified for each box. The count of characters given in the different boxes includes spaces.

Applications need to be signed electronically via EduSign and shall be submitted digitally to

The deadline for this call is the 30 September 2024.

Timeline of this call

After the submission deadline (30 September 2024), an evaluation committee that is independent from the SLU Forest Damage Centre management team and not part of its steering group, will assess all applications.

Based on the comments from the evaluation committee, a final decision will latest be made in November.


For questions, please contact the administrative coordinator of the SLU Forest Damage Centre,


SLU Forest Damage Centre

Director: Jonas Rönnberg; +46 40 41 51 79 eller +46 706 72 76 43

Deputy director: Wiebke Neumann Sivertsson; +46 90 78 68 117 eller +46 706 34 90 51

Deputy director and responsible for the research school: Åke Olson; +46 18 67 18 76

Communications officer: Theres Svensson
theres; +46 90 78 68 228, +46 765 46 05 96

Administrative coordinator: Katja Fedrowitz; +46 18 67 21 96