
Call for ideas has been selected

Published: 15 March 2024

Three projects has been selected in SLU Landscape's Call for ideas 2023/2024: Fieldwork Approaches - Reconnecting to our living territory

This year’s CFI asked for ideas how to re-engage in fieldwork in order to rethink our fieldwork approaches.

These three Call For Ideas (CFI) project proposals has received funding (50 000 SEK each) from SLU Landscape:


Leva och lära av landskap
(Live and learn from landscapes)

In this project, we want to contribute new knowledge about what pupils remember from their school days and how that time influenced them in their life choices later in life.

Main contact: Petter Åkerblom 

Petter Åkerblom 
Titti Olsson
Amanda Gabriel


Immersive fieldwork practices - reconnecting to our living territories

The objective of this CFI project is to explore and experiment with immersive fieldwork practices, and discuss how such practices might expand our capacities to understand and connect to our living territories.

Main contact: Marina Queiroz and Victoria Sjöstedt

Marina Queiroz
Victoria Sjöstedt
Petra Thorpert
Sanna Stålhammar
Lara Tickle
Anna Lind Lewin
Lena Granefelt

Other participants:
David Roxendal and Eliza Roxendal, Humble Habitat


Foraging and crafting knowledge: Going beyond walking, seeing and being

In this project, we plan to broaden this understanding of the taskscapes of foraging to incorporate material for craft. We plan to share and develop knowledge of the values of our surroundings beyond the visual, the ecological, the economical.

Main contact: Andrew Butler

Andrew Butler
Malin Eriksson
Helena Mellqvist
Jitka Svensson
Daniel Valentini
Marina Queiroz

Other participants:
Eva Sandström, Centre of Nature Interpretations 
Kalle Forss, Slöjd Konsulent Skåne
Slöjd Konsulent Uppland (as yet unconfirmed)



Marina Queiroz, Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna

Telephone: +46 18 672511

SLU Landscape
SLU Landscape operates as a cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape subject area at SLU. It is one of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe.