SLU news

Staff survey 2024 – the results are in

Published: 16 February 2024

Between 22 January and 2 February all employees had the chance to complete the 2023 staff survey. Seventy-six per cent responded. The survey provides an indication of how happy SLU staff are at the university. The information collected from the survey is then summarised in an employee satisfaction index (ESI). Our latest ESI came in at 72, compared to 73 in 2021.

‘Many thanks to everyone who participated. A 76 per cent response frequency is considered acceptable and the results really provide us with an idea of how happy people are at SLU. An employee satisfaction index of 72 is fantastic and demonstrates that there are many positive work environment efforts taking place throughout the university. And now we will join forces and take a more in-depth look at the results to see what’s working well and what we need to improve,’ explains Anna-Karin Olofsdotter, Director of Human Resources at SLU.

The survey also measures the employee net promoter score (eNPS). It is evident from the results that many SLU staff are proud of the university and keen to tell others why it is a good place to work. The 2021 staff survey returned an eNPS of 14, and this time our eNPS was 13. As for pride in the courses and programmes we offer, the result was 15 for 2024 compared to 22 in 2021.

Anna-Karin continues, ‘It’s great to see that SLU staff are proud of their workplace and our courses and programmes. A staff survey is one way of finding out the overall mood in the workplace. It is vital that any issues come to light so we can work together to make sure SLU remains an attractive workplace, and that all SLU staff feel they can develop and want to stay at the university.’

Over the next few weeks, the results will be presented management teams at the faculties, library and university administration. Together, we will continue the university-wide efforts to further the growth of SLU as a positive and inclusive workplace.

Read the staff survey results in full.(only in swedish)


The employee satisfaction index (ESI) is a value between 0 and 100. Anything above 70 is acceptable.

The eNPS and pNPS values demonstrate the willingness to recommend SLU as an employer and place to study respectively. A value from -100 to 100. Anything above zero is a good result.