
Final Student Health Service drop-in session

Published: 08 February 2023

The Student Health Services can help you with issues associated to life as a student, for example questions regarding lifestyle, mental health and stress management.

The Campus Ultuna Student Health Centre has trialled a drop-in consultation and appointment booking service (in the reception room by the Ulls hus service centre), but few students have attended. The last drop in session on Campus Ultuna this semester will be on 8 February, 13:00–16:00.

All subsequent appointments for consultations and counselling will need to be booked online at the Student Health Centre in Uppsala.

You finde more information about student healthcare at all campuses here.

Talks and groups

The Student Health Centre runs a number of talks and groups for SLU students in Uppsala.

SLU also offers online talks for all SLU students and student unions. Information and links will be published on the events calendar on the student web.

  • Wednesday 8 March, 13:15–14:15. Stress and sustainable student life
  • Wednesday 22 March, 17:15–18:15. Stress och hållbar studietid (in Swedish)
  • Thursday 20 April 17:15-18:15. Talk on alcohol and drugs (in Swedish)

Do it now! Procrastination group on campus Ultuna

The SLU study and career counsellors organise study groups where students can work together to reduce procrastination. The group accepts new members throughout the semester. It is run in English